The Taff Rocks Team

The team volunteers their time and receive no financial compensation for their time. The team meet regularly to ensure the running of Taff Rocks is without issue, ensure sustainability and ensure compliance. The team, as a whole, are responsible for all aspects of the charity.
Where possible, we encourage our trustees to submit their own images that they are comfortable with. That image can be informal with a hint of fun or a more formal, the choice is theirs.

Chair of trustees
Project overseer

Secretary to the board.
Responsible for safeguarding.

Other team members

Many of the other team members that are not trustees, offer regular advice and assistance but don't usually wish their background contribution known, but we want you to know they are there for us.

Web advisor

AJ created the original Smyrna website and advises on the updates. AJ also advises with website accessibility compliance. Their input into the Taff Rocks website is minimal.


This volunteer wishes to maintain their anonymity but regularly supports us with transport to and from events.

Updates due

Updates due

Former Charity Trustees:

The original / founding five trustees agreed that all trustees can retire at any time and have the length of service they desire. Which means, they have no official end date to their service and can retire at any time with notice.

March is always the preferred month for retirement due to the upcoming AGM.

In January 2025, one of our original founding trustees retired after many years of service to concentrate on university.
In March 2023, our newest trustee retired due to ill health as well as one of the original, founding trustees. 
In March 2022, our original treasurer retired from their role but remained a trustee until her full retirement in November 2022.


Taff Rocks are proud of all our volunteers.

In 2021, we had one volunteer that helped with events. This volunteer 'retired' at the end of 2021
In 2022 we had an additional volunteer that regularly attended events. We have invested in this volunteer by offering them development opportunities so they have the knowledge, skills and experience to assist our beneficiaries. Their volunteer-ship is ongoing.

There is also a 'silent' volunteer who assists with fetching, carrying and transportation of equipment and resources. This volunteer has always wanted anonymity as their volunteer-ship is 'task and finish.'

If you are interested in becoming a regular volunteer for Taff Rocks, please contact us

Registered office:

Smyrna Chapel Community Hall,
Aberfan Road, Aberfan,
Merthyr Tydfil CF48 4QN

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Charity Registration
  • Taff Rocks is registered in England and Wales as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). Registered Charity Number: 1192749

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